Guided Missile Destroyer

DDG 995  -  USS Scott



DDG-995 USS Scott patch crest insignia

DDG-995 USS Scott Kidd class guided missile destroyer

Type, Class:


Guided Missile Destroyer; Kidd - class;

planned and built as DD for Iranian Navy as Nader

reclassified Guided Missile Destroyer (DDG 995) August 8, 1979;



Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, Mississippi, USA



Awarded: March 23, 1978

Laid down: February 12, 1979

Launched: March 1, 1980

Commissioned: October 24, 1981 (US Navy)

Decommissioned: December 10, 1998 (US Navy)


Fate: sold to Taiwan (ROC);

commissioned as DDG-1801 ROCS Kee Lung on December 17, 2005; in service;






Named after and in honor of Rear Admiral Norman Scott (1889 - 1942)

> see history, below;

Ship's Motto:


AUXILIUM AB ALTO   ‘help from on high’

Technical Data:

(Measures, Propulsion,

Armament, Aviation, etc.)


see: INFO > Kidd - class Guided Missile Destroyer


ship images


DDG-995 USS Scott


DDG-995 USS Scott


DDG-995 USS Scott


DDG-995 USS Scott Kidd class guided missile destroyer


DDG-995 USS Scott  USS Scott DDG-995


DDG-995 USS Scott


DDG-995 USS Scott


DDG-995 USS Scott


USS Scott DDG-995 Kidd class guided missile destroyer


DDG-995 USS Scott


DDG-995 USS Scott commissioning ceremony


DDG-995 USS Scott commissioning


DDG-995 USS Scott commissioning


DDG-995 USS Scott Kidd class guided missile destroyer


DDG-995 USS Scott



Norman Scott


Norman Scott Commander US Navy

Commander Norman Scott (seated, far right) with Officers of the Naval Mission to Brazil - 1938


Norman Scott Commander US Naval Mission to Brazil

Commander Norman Scott (third from left) with Officers of the Naval Mission to Brazil - 1939


Norman Scott Captain US Navy

Captain Norman Scott - circa 1940-41


Rear Admiral Norman Scott US Navy

Rear Admiral Norman Scott - 1942


Norman Scott Rear Admiral US Navy

Rear Admiral Norman Scott - painting by McClelland Barclay, USNR



Namesake & History:

Rear Admiral Norman Scott (August 10, 1889 – November 13, 1942):


Norman Scott was born in Indianapolis, Indiana, on 10 August 1889. Appointed to the U.S. Naval Academy in 1907, he graduated four years later and received his commission as Ensign in March 1912. During 1911-13, Ensign Scott served in the battleship Idaho, then served in destroyers and related duty. In December 1917, he was Executive Officer of USS Jacob Jones when she was sunk by a German submarine and was commended for his performance at that time. During the rest of World War I, Lieutenant Scott had duty in the Navy Department and as Naval Aide to President Woodrow Wilson. In 1919, while holding the temporary rank of Lieutenant Commander, he was in charge of a division of Eagle Boats (PE) and commanded USS Eagle # 2 and Eagle # 3.

During the first years of the 1920s, Norman Scott served afloat in destroyers and in the battleship New York and ashore in Hawaii. From 1924 to 1930, he was assigned to the staff of Commander Battle Fleet and as an instructor at the Naval Academy. He commanded the destroyers MacLeish and Paul Jones in the early 1930s, then had further Navy Department Duty and attended the Naval War College's Senior Course. After a tour as Executive Officer of the light cruiser Cincinnati, Commander Scott was a member of the U.S. Naval Mission to Brazil in 1937-39. Following promotion to the rank of Captain, he was Commanding Officer of the heavy cruiser Pensacola until shortly after the United States entered World War II in December 1941.

Captain Scott was assigned to the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations during the first months of 1942. After becoming a Rear Admiral in May, he was sent to the south Pacific, where he commanded a fire support group during the invasion of Guadalcanal and Tulagi in early August. Rear Admiral Scott continued to lead surface task units for the next three months, as the campaign to hold Guadalcanal intensified. On 11-12 October 1942, he commanded a cruiser-destroyer force in the Battle of Cape Esperance, the U.S. Navy's first surface victory of the campaign. A month later, on 13 November, he was second-in-command during the initial night action of the Naval Battle of Guadalcanal. In that wild and brutal fight, Rear Admiral Norman Scott was killed in action when his flagship, the light cruiser Atlanta, was fatally damaged by gunfire and a torpedo. For his "extraordinary heroism and conspicuous intrepidity" in the October and November battles, he was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor.

USS Norman Scott (DD-690), and USS Scott (DDG-995), were named in honor of Rear Admiral Scott.

Medal of Honor citation of Rear Admiral Norman Scott -

(as printed in the official publication "Medal of Honor, 1861-1949, The Navy", page 257):

"For extraordinary heroism and conspicuous intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty during action against enemy Japanese forces off Savo Island on the night of 11-12 October and again on the night of 12-13 November 1942. In the earlier action, intercepting a Japanese Task Force intent upon storming our island positions and landing reinforcements at Guadalcanal, Rear Admiral Scott, with courageous skill and superb corordination of the units under his command, destroyed eight hostile vessels and put the others to flight. Again challenged, a month later, by the return of a stubborn and persistent foe, he led his force into a desperate battle against tremendous odds, directing close-range operations against the invading enemy until he himself was killed in the furious bombardment by their superior fire power. On each of these occasions his dauntless initiative, inspiring leadership and judicious foresight in a crisis of grave responsibility contributed decisively to the rout of a powerful invasion fleet and to the consequent frustration of a formidible Japanese offensive. He gallantly gave his life in the service of his country."


USS Scott (DDG 995):


USS Scott (DDG-995) was a Kidd-class destroyer of the United States Navy. She was named for Rear Admiral Norman Scott, who was killed during a surface action at the First Naval Battle of Guadalcanal (sometimes referred to as the Battle of Friday the 13th) aboard USS Atlanta, winning a posthumous Medal of Honor for his actions.

Originally named Nader, Scott was ordered by the Shah of Iran, but was undelivered at the time of the Iranian Revolution and the U.S. Navy elected to commission her and her sister ships for service in the Persian Gulf. The destroyers were equipped with heavy-duty air conditioning and were also well suited to filtering sand and the results from NBC warfare. She was commissioned in 1981.

Scott completed a major re-fit in Philadelphia in 1988. The focus was to upgrade its radar and fire control tracking system as well to support AEGIS equipped vessels.

Scott was decommissioned from the U.S. Navy on December 10, 1998.

Current status:

Scott was sold to the Republic of China in 2004 and originally to be named Tong Teh. However, due to her better storage condition than her sister ships, she became the first Kidd class vessel to be commissioned by the Republic of China Navy (ROCN) and named ROCS Kee Lung (DDG-1801), becoming the leading vessel of the new ROCN Kee Lung-class destroyers.

After almost two years of refit and training in the U.S., the Kee Lung was commissioned on December 17, 2005 at Kee-Lung naval port in northern Taiwan. The ROCN paid just over $690 million for the four Kidd-class destroyers, giving it extensive AAW capabilities.


source: wikipedia




DDG-995 USS Scott patch crest insignia  DDG-995 USS Scott cruise patch



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