Kimon (FDI) class Guided
Missile Frigate
F 601 HS Kimon |
F 602 HS Nearchos
F 603 HS Formion
| F 604 HS Themistokles
Hydra (MEKO-200HN) class Frigate
F 452 HS Hydra
F 453
HS Spetsai
F 454 HS Psara
F 455 HS Salamis
Elli (Kortenaer/Standard) class Frigate
(2 new built
units + 8 used ex Royal Netherlands Navy units)
F 450 HS Elli
F 451 HS Limnos
F 459 HS Adrias
F 460 HS Aigaion
F 461 HS Navarinon
F 462 HS Kountouriotis
F 463 HS Bouboulina
F 464 HS Kanaris
F 465 HS Themistoklis
F 466 HS Nikiforos Fokas
Ipiros (ex US Knox) class Frigate (FF)
F 456 HS Ipiros - ex USS Connole
/ FF 1056 (1969/92-2003)
F 457 HS Thraki
- ex USS Trippe / FF 1075 (1970/92-2001)
F 458 HS Macedonia - ex
USS Vreeland / FF 1068 (1970/92-99)
ex UK Flower class Corvette
(63 meters / 940 tons)
RHNS Kriezis
- ex HMS Coreopsis / K 32 (1940/43-52) back to
RHNS Apostolis
- ex HMS Hyacinth / K 84 (1940/43-52) back to
RHNS Sachtouris
- ex HMS Peony / K 40 (1940/43-51) back to
RHNS Tompazis - ex HMS
Tamarisk / K 216 (1941/43-5?) back to UK
Destroyers + Cruisers:
Kimon class Guided Missile Destroyer (DDG)
(ex US Charles F. Adams class
D 218 HS Kimon
- ex
USS Semmes / DDG 18 (1962/91-2004)
D 219 HS Nearchos - ex
USS Waddell / DDG 24 (1964/92-2003)
D 220 HS Formion - ex
USS Joseph Strauss / DDG 16 (1963/92-2002)
D 221 HS Themistoklis
- ex USS Berkeley / DDG 15 (1962/92-2002)
ex German Rhein class Destroyer Tender
D 03 HS Aigaion - ex FGS Weser / A 62
Themistoklis (ex US Gearing + Sumner)
class Destroyer (DD)
US Gearing FRAM II:
D 210 HS Themistoklis
- ex USS Frank Knox / DD 742 (1944/71-92)
US Gearing FRAM I:
D 212 HS Kanaris - ex USS Stickell
/ DD 888 (1945/72-94)
D 213 HS Kountouriotis - ex USS Rupertus / DD 851 (1946/73-95)
D 214 HS Sachtouris - ex USS Arnold J. Isbell / DD
869 (1946/73-93)
D 215 HS Tombazis - ex USS Gurke / DD 783 (1945/77-97)
D 216 HS Apostolis - ex USS Charles P. Cecil / DD
835 (1945/80-93)
D 217 HS Kriezis - ex USS Corry / DD 817 (1946/81-94)
US Allen M. Sumner class
D 211 HS Miaoulis - ex USS Ingraham / DD 694
Aspis / Sfendoni class Destroyer (DD)
(ex US Fletcher class DD's)
D 06 HS Aspis - ex USS Conner / DD 582
D 16 HS Velos - ex USS Charrette / DD 581
D 28 HS Thyella
- ex USS Bradford / DD 545
D 42 HS Kimon
- ex USS Ringgold / DD 500 - ex FGS Z2 (1942/81-87)
D 56 HS Lonchi - ex USS Hall / DD 583
D 63 HS Navarinon - ex USS Brown / DD 546
D 65 HS Nearchos
- ex USS Wadsworth / DD 516 - ex FGS Z3 (1943/80-91)
D 85 HS Sfendoni - ex USS Aulick / DD 569
Wild Beasts class Destroyer Escort (DE)
(ex US Cannon class DE's)
D 01 HS Aetos - ex USS Slater / DE 766 (1944/51-91)
D 31 HS Ierax - ex USS Ebert / DE 768 (1944/51-91)
D 54 HS Leon - ex USS Eldridge / DE 173 (1943/51-92)
D 67 HS Panthir - ex USS Garfield Thomas / DE 193 (1944/51-92)
Doxa class Destroyer (DD)
(ex US Gleaves class DD's)
D 20 RHNS Doxa - ex USS Ludlow / DD 438 (1941/51-72)
D 63 RHNS Niki - ex USS Eberle / DD 430 (1940/51-72)
(ex) UK Hunt Type III class Destroyer
(85 meters / 1460 tons)
L 65 / D 72 RHNS Pindos
- laid down as HMS Bolebroke / L 65
(1942-59) - back to UK
L 67 RHNS Adrias
- laid down as HMS Border / L 67 (1942-43) -
L 81 / D 14 RHNS Astings
- ex HMS Catterick / L 81
(1942/46-63) - back to UK
L 53 / D 53 RHNS Kanaris
- laid down as HMS Hatherleigh / L 53
(1942-59) - back to UK
L 91 / D 59 RHNS Miaoulis
- laid down as HMS Modbury / L 91
(1942-59) - back to UK
D 02 / D 06 RHNS Adrias
- ex HMS Tanatside / L 69 (1942/46-62)
ex UK
Hunt Type II class Destroyer
(85 meters / 1450 tons)
RHNS Themistokles
- ex HMS Bramham / L 51 (1942/43-59) - back
to UK
RHNS Kriti
- ex HMS Hursley / L 84 (1942/43-59) - back to UK
RHNS Aigaion
- ex HMS Lauderdale / L 95 (1942/46-59) - back to
ex UK E-class Destroyer
(100 meters / 1940 tons)
D 63 RHNS Navarinon
- ex HMS Echo / H 23 (1934/44-56) - back
to UK
ex UK B-class Destroyer
(99 meters / 1820 tons)
D 78 RHNS Salamis
- ex HMS Boreas / H 77 (1931/44-51)
ex Royal Italian Navy (Regia Marina) Condottieri
class light Cruiser
(war reparation)
(187 meters / 10670 tons)
C 24
Elli - ex RN Eugenio di
Savoia (1936/51-65)
Amphibious Ships:
Kefalonia class Landing Craft Air Cushioned (LCAC)
(Soviet Project 1232.2
- Zubr/Pomornik | 57 meters / 555 tons)
L 180 Kefalonia
- ex MDK-118 (1994/2000- )
L 181
Ithaki - ex Ivan Bogun (2001- )
L 182 Kerkira (2005- )
L 183 Zakinthos
(2001- )
Jason class Tank Landing Ship - LST
(116 meters / 4470 tons)
L 173 HS Chios (1996- )
L 174 HS Samos (1994- )
L 175 HS Ikaria (1999- )
L 176 HS Lesbos
(1999- )
L 177 HS Rodos (2000- )
ex US Terrebonne Parish class Tank Landing Ship
(117 meters /
5800 tons)
L 116 HS Kos
- ex USS Whitfield County / LST 1169 (1954/77-2001)
L 104 HS Oinoussai - ex
USS Terrell County / LST 1157 (1953/77-2003)
ex US LST-542 class Tank Landing Ship (LST)
(100 meters / 4140 tons)
L 154 HS Ikaria
- ex USS Potter County / LST 1086 (1945/60-99)
L 171 HS Kriti - ex USS
Page County / LST 1076 (1945/71-99)
ex US LSM-1 class Medium
Landing Ship (LSM)
(62 meters / 1110 tons)
L 161 HS Ypoploiarchos
Grigoropoulos - ex USS
LSM-45 (1944/58-93)
L 162 HS Ypoploiarchos Tournas
- ex USS LSM-102 (1944/58-90)
L 163 HS Ypoploiarchos Daniolos
- ex USS LSM-227 (1944/58-93)
L 164 HS Ypoploiarchos Roussen
- ex USS LSM-399 (1945/58-2003)
L 165 HS Ypoploiarchos Krystallidis
- ex USS LSM-541 (1945/58-2000)
L 166 HS Ypoploiarchos Merlin
- ex USS LSM-557 (1945/58-72)
ex UK + US Casa Grande class Dock Landing Ship (LSD)
(140 meters /
7930 tons)
L 153 RHNS Nafkratousa
- ex HMS Eastway / F 130
L 153 HS Nafkratousa - ex USS Fort Mandan / LSD 21
(ex) UK LST(3) class Tank Landing Ship
(106 meters / 5000 tons)
L 3002 / L 104 RHNS Aliakmon
- ex HMS LST 3002 (1945/47-64)
L 3007 / L 109 RHNS Axios
- ex HMS LST 3007 (1945/47-62)
L 3020 / L 107 RHNS Alfeios
- ex HMS LST 3020 (1945/47-63)
L 3502 / L 182 RHNS Strymon
- ex HMS LST 3502 (1945/47-62)
L 3503 / L 116 RHNS Achelaos - ex HMS LST 3503
L 3506 / L 171 RHNS Pyneos
- ex HMS LST 3506 (1945/47-68)
(ex) US LST-1 class Tank Landing Ship (LST)
(100 meters / 4140 tons)
RHNS Lesbos
- ex USS LST-37 (1943-44) -
L 144 HS Siros - ex USS
LST-325 (1943/64-99)
L 157 HS Rodos - ex USS
Bowman County / LST 391 (1942/60-90)
L 158 RHNS Limnos - ex USS
LST-36 (1943-77)
L 172 HS Lesbos - ex USS
Boone County / LST 389 (1942/60-90)
L 179 RHNS Samos - ex USS
LST-33 (1943-77)
L 195 RHNS Chios - ex USS
LST-35 (1943-77)
Papanikolis (Type 214) class Submarine
S 120 HS Papanikolis | S 121 HS Pipinos
| S 122 HS Matrozos
| S 123
HS Katsonis
Poseidon (Type 209-1200) class Submarine
S 116 HS Poseidon | S 117 HS Amfitriti
| S 118 HS Okeanos
| S 119 HS
Glavkos (Type 209-1100) class Submarine
S 110 HS Glavkos
S 111 HS Nireus
| S 112 HS Triton
| S 113 HS
ex US Submarines (Gato, Balao, Tench
S 78 RHNS Poseidon
- ex USS Lapon / SS 260
S 17 RHNS Amfitriti - ex
USS Jack / SS 259 (1943/58-67)
S 86 RHNS Triania - ex USS
Scabbardfish / SS 397 (1944/65-80)
S 114 RHNS Papanikolis - ex
USS Hardhaed / SS 365 (1944/72-93)
S 115 RHNS Katsonis - ex
USS Remora / SS 487 (1946/73-93)
(ex) UK V-class
Y 8 RHNS Pipinos -
keel laid as HMS Veldt / P 68 (1943-57) - back to UK
Y 9 RHNS Delfin - ex HMS
Vengeful / P 86 (1944/45-57) - back to UK
Y 14 RHNSTriaina - ex HMS
Volatile / P 96 (1944/46-58) - back to UK
Y 15 RHNS Argonautis - ex
HMS Virulent / P 95 (1944/46-58) - back to UK
ex UK U-class Submarine
Y 10 RHNS Xifias -
ex HMS Untiring / P 59 (1943/45-52) - back to UK
Y 11 RHNS Amfitriti
- ex HMS Upstart / P 65
(1943/45-52) - back to UK
Patrol Vessels:
Roussen (Super Vita) class Fast Missile Attack Craft
P 67 HS Ypoploiarchos Roussen
(2005- )
P 68 HS
Ypoploiarchos Daniolos (2006- )
P 69 HS
Ypoploiarchos Krystallidis (2006- )
P 70 HS Ypoploiarchos Grigoropoulos
(2010- )
P 71 HS Ypoploiarchos Ritsos
(2015- )
P 72 HS Ypoploiarchos Karathanasis
(2020- )
P 73 HS Ypoploiarchos Vlachakos
Osprey HSY56A class Gunboat
(56 meters / 575 tons)
P 266 HS Machitis
(2003- )
P 267 HS Nikiforos
(2004- )
P 268 HS Aititos
(2004- )
P 269 HS Krataios
(2005- )
Pyrpolitis (Osprey HSY55) class Gunboat
(57 meters / 590 tons)
P 57 HS Pyrpolitis
(1993- ) > renamed Kasos in 2006
P 61 HS Polemistis
(1994- )
Armatolos (Osprey 55) class Gunboat
(55 meters / 515 tons)
P 18 HS Armatolos
(1990- )
P 19 HS Navmachos
(1990- )
Kavaloudis / La Combattante IIIb class Fast Missile
Attack Craft
(56 meters / 425 tons)
P 24 HS Simaioforos Kavaloudis
(1980- )
P 25 HS Ypoploiarchos Kostakos
(1980-96) - lost
P 26 HS Ypoploiarchos Degiannis
(1980- )
P 27 HS Simaioforos Xenos
(1981- )
P 28 HS Simaioforos Simitzopoulos
(1981- )
P 29 HS Simaioforos Starakis
(1981- )
Laskos / La Combattante III class Fast Missile
Attack Craft
(56 meters / 425 tons)
P 20 HS Antiploiarchos Laskos
(1977- )
P 21 HS Plotarchis Blessas
(1977- )
P 22 HS Ypoploiarchos Mykonios
(1978- )
P 23 HS Ypoploiarchos Troupakis
(1977- )
Antoniou class Fast Missile Attack Craft
(32 meters / 115 tons)
P 28 / P 286 HS Diopos Antoniou
(1975- )
P 29 / P 287 HS Kelefstis Stamou
(1975- )
ex German Type 148 / Tiger (La Combattante IIa)
class Fast Missile Attack Craft
(47 meters / 265 tons)
P 51 / P 72 HS Ypoploiarchos Votsis
- ex FGS S42 Iltis / P 6142 (1973/94- )
P 30 / P 73 HS Antiploiarchos Pezopoulos
- ex FGS S52 Storch / P 6152 (1974/94- )
P 74 HS Plotarchis Vlahavas
- ex FGS S44 Marder / P 6144 (1973/95-2011)
P 75 HS Plotarchis Maridakis
- ex FGS S51 Häher / P 6151 (1974/95- )
P 76 HS Ypoploiarchos Tournas
- ex FGS S45 Leopard / P 6145 (1973/2000-11)
P 77 HS Plotarchis Sakipis
- ex FGS S57 Jaguar / P 6147 (1973/2000-11)
La Combattante II class Fast Missile Attack Craft
(47 meters / 255 tons)
P 14 HS Antiploiarchos Anninos - former P 56 Navsithoi
P 15 HS Ypoploiarchos Arliotis - former P 55 Evniki
P 16 HS Ypoploiarchos Konidis - former P 53 Kymothoi
P 17 HS Ypoploiarchos Batsis - former P 54 Kalypso
(1972-2004) - to Georgia
ex US Ashville class Coastal Patrol Craft
(50 meters / 265 tons)
P 229 HS Tolmi
- ex USS Green Bay / PG 101 (1969/91- )
P 230 HS Ormi
- ex USS Beacon / PG 99 (1969/89- )
Niki (ex German Type 420 / Thetis) class Gunboat
(70 meters / 730 tons)
P 62 HS Niki
- ex FGS Thetis / P 6052 (1961/91-2009)
P 63 HS Doxa
- ex FGS Najade / P 6054 (1962/91-2010)
P 64 HS Eleftheria
- ex FGS Triton / P 6055 (1962/92-2010)
P 65 HS Karteria
- ex FGS Hermes / P 6053 (1961/92-2004)
P 66 HS Agon
- ex FGS Theseus / P 6056 (1963/92-2004)
ex German Type 141 / Seeadler class Fast Attack
Craft, Torpedo
(43 meters / 210 tons)
P 196 / P 50 HS Esperos
- ex FGS S6 Seeadler / P 6068 (1958/77-2004)
P 197 / P 51 HS Kataigis
- ex FGS S10 Falke / P 6072 (1959/76-81)
P 198 / P 52 HS Kentavros
- ex FGS S 26 Habicht / P 6075 (1959/77-95)
P 199 / P 53 HS Kyklon
- ex FGS S9 Greif / P 6071 (1959/76-2005)
P 228 / P 54 HS Lailaps
- ex FGS S8 Kondor / P 6070 (1959/77-2004)
P 229 / P 55 HS Skorpios
- ex FGS S28 Kormoran / P 6077 (1959/77-95)
P 230 / P 56 HS Tyfon
- ex FGS S11 Geier / P 6073 (1959/76-2005)
+ 3 additional units for cannibalization:
FGS S7 Albatros / P 6069
FGS S25 Bussard / P 6074
FGS S27 Sperber / P 6076
ex German Type 149 / Silbermöwe class Fast Attack
Craft, Torpedo
(35 meters / 109 tons)
P 15 RHNS Delfin
- ex FGS Sturmmöwe / P 6053 (1956/68-74)
P 16 RHNS Drakon
- ex FGS Silbermöwe / P 6052 (1956/68-74)
P 17 RHNS Polikos
- ex FGS Raubmöwe / P 6056 (1956/68-74)
P 18 RHNS Polidefkis
- ex FGS Wildschwan / P 6054 (1956/68-74)
P 27 RHNS Foinix
- ex FGS Eismöwe / P 6055 (1956/68-74)
Andromeda (NOR Tjeld) class Fast Attack Craft,
(25 meters / 77 tons)
P 21 / P 196 HS Andromeda
P 22 HS Iniohos
P 23 / P 197 HS Kastor
P 24 / P 198 HS Kyknos
P 25 / P 199 HS Pigasos
P 26 / P 228 HS Toxotis
ex German Type 153 / UK Brave class Fast Craft
(30 meters / 101 tons)
P 20 RHNS Astrapi
- ex FGS Strahl / P 6194 (1962/67-79)
ex German Type 153 / UK Ferocity class Fast Craft
(27 meters / 85 tons)
P 19 RHNS Aiolos
- ex FGS Pfeil / P 6193 (1962/67-76)
ex US PGM-9 class Motor Gunboat
(53 meters / 450 tons)
P 14 RHNS Plotarchis Arsanoglou
- ex USS PGM-25 (1945/47-79)
P 33 RHNS Antiploiarchos Laskos
- ex USS PGM-16 (1944/47-71)
P 57 RHNS Plotarchis Meletopoulos
- ex USS PGM-22 (1944/47-71)
P 61 RHNS Plotarchis Blessas
- ex USS PGM-28 (1945/47-63)
P 75 RHNS Antiploiarchos Pezopoulos
- ex USS PGM-21 (1944/47-77)
P 96 RHNS Plotarchis Chadzikonstandis
- ex USS PGM-29 (1944/47-79)
ex US PC-461 class Submarine Chaser
(53 meters / 450 tons)
P 17 RHNS Vasilefs Georgios II
- ex USS PC-622 (1943/44-63)
Sikorsky MH-60R Seahawk
Sikorsky S-70 Seahawk (S-70/B-6 Aegean Hawk)
Aerospatiale Alouette III
Agusta Bell AB-212 ASW
Lockheed Martin P-3B Orion
> Hellenic Navy vessels are
given the prefix "HS", short for Hellenic Ship
(NATO-designation) - internally the Hellenic Navy uses
prefixes indicating ship type <
NOTE: Greece was a Kingdom until 1973 - VP (Vassilikón
Ploíon = Royal Ship), RHNS (Royal Hellenic Navy Ship) or
HHMS (His Hellenic Majesty's Ship)
was in use by English-language authors and foreign navies
during/for this period.