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Royal Netherlands Navy - Koninklijke Marine
De Zeven Provinciën class Guided Missile Frigate

ADCF - Air Defence and Command Frigate) / LCF - Luchtverdedigings- en Commando Fregat

de zeven provincien class guided missile frigate ffg lcf royal netherlands navy koninklijke marine 20x 
F 802 HNLMS De Zeven Provincien
F 803
F 804
HNLMS De Ruyter
F 805
HNLMS Evertsen
Displacement: 6050 tons (full load)
144,24 meters (473.2 feet)
Beam: 18,8 meters (67.7 ft)
Draft: 5,18 meters (17 ft)

Speed: 30 knots (56 km/h), max. / 18 knots (33 km/h), cruise
Range: 4000 NM (7400 km) at 18 knots (33 km/h)
Complement: 174 (202 incl. staff)

Combined Diesel and Gas (CODAG)
2 x
Stork Wärtsilä 16V26 diesel engines (5,1 MW / 6800 hp, each)
2 x Rolls-Royce Spey SM1C gas turbines (19,5 MW / 26100 hp, each)
2 shafts / 2 controllable pitch propellers (CPP)
2 rudders with rudder roll stabilisation


1 x Mk.41 Vertical Launching System / VLS (5x8 cells = 40 cells)
32 x RIM-66 Standard Missiles SM-2MR / Block IIIA SAM
32 x RIM-162 Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile / ESSM (quad-packed / 4 missiles per cell)
64 missiles in total
-  -  -  -  -
2 x Mk.141 quad missile laucher for up to 8 RGM-84 Harpoon SSM
1 x Oto-Breda 127/54 Compact DP Gun (5"/54-caliber)

2 x
Thales SGE-30 Goalkeeper Close in Weapon System (CIWS)

2 x Oerlikon 20mm machine guns

2 x
Mk.32 Mod.9 12.75" (324mm) twin Torpedo Tubes for Mk.46 Mod.5 Torpedoes

2-4 x
M2 Browning 12.7mm (cal. 50) machine guns

flight deck (27 x 18,80 meters) and hangar for 1 helicopter
(Westland SH-14D Lynx or NHIndustries NH-90 helicopter)

Thales Nederland SMART-L Mk.2 long-range air and surface surveillance radar
Thales Nederland APAR air and surface search, tracking and guidance radar (I band)
DECCA NAV navigation radar
Thales Nederland Scout (Low Probability of Intercept)surface search/navigation radar
Thales Nederland Sirius IRST long-range infrared surveillance and tracking system
Thales Nederland Mirador optical surveillance and tracking system
Atlas Elektronik DSQS-24C hull-mounted sonar
MK XII IFF system
2 x Thomson Racal (now Thales) Sabre ECM suite
4 x Sippican Hycor SRBOC MK36 launcher
1 x AN/SLQ-25 Nixie torpedo decoy
ADCF (Air Defence and Command Frigate) and ADF (Air Defence Frigate)
(LCF - Luchtverdedigings- en Commando Fregat):

The Dutch AD(C)Fs were build as a replacement for the former Tromp-class guided missile frigates of the Royal Netherlands Navy, and (in the guise of ADF) as replacements for the 'Standard'/Kortenaer-class frigates. The ADF is equal in capabilities and appearance to the ADCF, except for the lack of dedicated Command facilities.

These ships are being build as part of a tri-partite building program between the Spanish Armada, the German Marine, and the Dutch Royal Navy. Instead of the failed Horizon program which involved Italy, France, and Great Britain, this program concentrates upon the Ship Platform and systems, rather than on combat systems and weaponry. The other ships being developed in this program are the Spanish F-100, with SPY-1 and Aegis combat system, and the German F124, which also has the APAR and SEWACO combat system.

The name of "Frigate" for these ships is actually a misnomer: With a displacement of over 6,000 tons they are destroyers in all but name. When the first of the class enters service, it will arguably be the most advanced ship in this size in the world. The Royal Netherlands Navy has apparently sacrificed upgrades to some of its existing warships in order to provide some of the needed funds for this class of four ships.

In keeping with the general trend, the ships have extensive Stealth features designed into them. Their large slightly angled slab sides give them a bit of the look of the French Lafayette frigates, although the ADCF design is considerably bigger and capable. Survivability has been a great concern in designing the ships, and they are subdivided into seven main compartments. When hit in one of these compartments ventilation, fire control systems, and power will still be available in the other compartments. In order to achieve this all necessary systems have full-sized backups.

At first it appeared that the main engines for the ships would be the new Rolls Royce WR-21, which will also be deployed on the Royal Navy's Type 45 Destroyers. Unfortunately the WR-21 was not available in time (apparently it won't be available until 2007), so for now the main engines will be Rolls-Royce SM-1C 'Spey' gas turbines, which are a good design which unfortunately is getting on in years. However, when the ships were designed the engine room was designed with the WR-21 in mind, and there is room for these turbines. It is likely that the ships will receive the WR-21 later on in their operational lives, a move that would substantially increase fuel efficiency and raise engine power.

Secondary engines have always been two Wartsila diesel engines, and the engines drive two adjustable counter rotating propellers.

For sensors, the design features the APAR system, which has been build and designed by the Netherlands, Germany, and Canada. This is a high-powered Active Phased Array Radar, which is smaller, yet considerably more powerful, than the American SPY-1 phased array radar. It can track up to 250 targets at one time, and at the same time can function as a illumination radar for up to 16 targets (with 32 missiles in the air), removing the need for separate illumination radars. Because of its relatively small design it was possible to locate the four APAR panels in a single structure high above sea level. In a move which cause some last-minute delays the Dutch decided to have the APAR mount redesigned, so that in the future the guidance equipment for Standard TBMD missiles can be fitted. The long-range search radar is the SMART-L phased array 3D radar. This radar is not stabilized, but the emission-angle of the radar is adapted to the current sea state and angle. It has a range of up to 400 km, and can track up to 1000 targets. Mounted above the APAR, at the very top of the ship is a Sirius long-range dual band infra red seeker, with a maximum range of roughly 30 km. Mounted on the hull is an Atlas Electronik active sonar.


The ships are presented as the first line of naval defense against antiship missiles (diving, cruise, sea-skimming, supersonic) incoming at supersonic speed from any direction, highly manoeuvring, in all weather conditions and in a severe electronic warfare environment, as well as aircraft attacks.

The main tasks of these ships are to provide a local area air-defense capability against airborne targets for a task-group, and to provide that same task group with dedicated command facilities.

The missions assigned to this class of frigates are:


Anti-Air Warfare (to provide local area air defense of a task group against airborne targets, in particular against saturating anti-ship missile attacks). To provide a Flagship function for a Taskforce or a Flotilla (This applies only to the ADCFs, NOT the ADFs, which will lack command facilities).


Anti-Surface Warfare (to provide a significant fire power against surface targets by surface-to-surface missiles and guns as well as the multi-function shipboard helicopter.

Anti-Submarine Warfare (to provide an anti-submarine defense by using a heavy ASW-helicopter)

Naval Fire Support (to provide fire support for amphibious landings using the 127mm gun)
Weapon- & Combat Systems:


The AAW system of the ADCF/ADF is centered on a Thales SEWACO X Information management system. This is one of the most advanced systems of its kind, and integrates all sensors and weapons into one system, using a network of fiberglass cables and a series of high-powered computers.

APAR multifunction phased array radar:
The APAR (Active Phased Array Radar) by Thales contains four active phased array antennas with 3200 modules each, which together provide a 360 degrees azimuth coverage. Some other features of the system are multi-function capability, digital Doppler processing, digital pulse compression techniques, graceful degradation and flexible waveform generation. APAR operates in I/J-band, which makes the radar an excellent sensor for the detection of sea-skimming missiles. The APAR system has one main waveform generator, plus two additional waveform generators to provide missile guidance links and target illumination in the terminal phase of engagement. Each array can generate up to four beams for 16 simultaneous engagements and 30 SM-2 and ESSM missiles in the air. Instrumented range is 150km in air search and 75km horizon search with elevation coverage up to 70 degrees and a capacity to handle 250 tracks.

SMART-L Long Range early warning radar:
This is a volume-search early warning long-range air search radar, which has been designed by Thales. It is a derivative of the smaller SMART-S, using an LW-09 solid-state transmitter. It uses an 8.2m electronically stabilized antenna scanning at 12 rpm to an elevation of 70 degrees. SMART-L provides range, bearing, elevation, and target velocity on each scan. Low observable targets can be detected at 55km and a conventional target beyond 100km. Maximum instrumented range is 400km. The ADT track file can carry up to 1000 air, 40 surface and 32 jammer tracks simultaneously. SMART-L is integrated with the Scout radar for surface surveillance.

Scout Surface search radar:
This is an X(I) band LPI (Low Probability of Intercept) surface search and navigation radar designed to be difficult to detect by enemy ESM. It uses a 1.8m antenna and scans at 24rpm. A 1m2 target can be detected at 5.5nm, a 100m2 target at 15.6nm. Scout is expected to detect a corvette-sized ship at horizon range and a 5m wooden or GRP boat at 8nm. The maximum-instrumented range is 24nm. Scout has a power output of about 0.001 W, compared to about 20-kW for a conventional radar. Counter detection range for ESM is estimated at 1.5km.

Sirius Long range dual band infra red seeker:
This is a high-powered Infra Red surveillance system. It is very useful for locating sea-skimming missiles. It is designed and build by Thales. Sirius is a dual-band IR detection and tracking sensor with an 8-12 micron and a 3-5 micron IR camera on a pedestal. The former has a window which elevates to 14 degrees and the latter a window which elevates to 3 degrees. Scan rate is 53 rpm and an airplane can be detected at up to 15km, a missile at up to 12km. The system can carry over 500 tracks and provides automatic alerts on the 32 most threatening tracks with a false alarm rate of less than 1/hr. SIRIUS provides data directly to the SEWACO Combat Data System as digital data to the databus and video to the video bus. Each band can be processed separately providing three different outputs - each band individually or a combined output.

Mirador Trainable electro optical observation system:
This is a high-powered Optical and Infra Red surveillance system. Mounted on the APAR mast, it is designed and build by Thales. Unlike Sirius, which is an IR-only system which functions in a continuous scanning mode, Mirador is a combined Optical/IR system, which will be used to help the crew to detect, identify and observe targets. The main sensor of the Mirador is the ALBATROSS infrared camera, which is a 3rd generation Focal Plane Array camera made by Thales. The Mirador array will be fully integrated into the SEWACO system, and can be used to provide targeting data to the system. Mirador can operate in a air search mode and in a automatic tracking mode, as well as be directed to observe targets from any workstation on the bridge and C&C. Mirador has been mainly added to the ADCF to improve target acquisition and recognition during brown water operations, but will also be of help with navigational tasks, especially in bad weather conditions when visibility is poor.

MK-41 VLS modules:
These are 8-cell vertical launch modules designed and build by United Defense which are capable of storing and launching an incredible variety of missiles. In the case of the ADCF, the five MK-41 modules will be filled with 32 SM-2 and 32 quad-packed ESSM missiles.

Standard Missile-2 surface-to-air-missiles:
The Standard Missile-2 Block IIIA is a member of the Standard family of missiles which has been around for decades. The Standard missile is a solid propellant-fueled, tail-controlled, surface to air missile fired by surface ships. It is designed to counter airplanes and high-speed, high-altitude anti-ship cruise missiles. Later versions like the Block IIIA have greatly improved propulsion, electronics and warheads and have added low-level capabilities, resulting in virtually new missiles. The missile is fired at its target in a fuel-efficient ballistic trajectory, and only in the last stage of the trajectory is the target illuminated by the available illumination radar (APAR for the ADCF), after which the passive seeker head of the SM-2 steers the missile onto its target.
The SM-2 Block IIIA itself is a much-improved version of the Standard SM-1 surface-to-air missile with an improved motor, improved seeker and a programmable autopilot for mid-course guidance. Range is double that of the SM-1 missile.

ESSM surface-to-air-missiles:
The ESSM (Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile) is a short-range surface to air missile, with extreme maneuverability and an excellent low altitude performance. When fired it immediately aims for the target illuminated by the available illumination radar (APAR for the ADCF), after which the passive seeker head of the ESSM steers the missile onto its target. Four ESSMs can be packed into a single MK-41 cell, making them very space efficient.

Ship's air self-defense:

Goalkeeper 30mm CIWS:
The Goalkeeper is a stand-alone Close In Weapon System meant for engaging incoming sea-skimming SSMs. They are build by Thales. The Goalkeepers on the ADCF are incorporated into the Sewaco X system for initial guidance, but retain an independent search capability. The gun itself is the General Electric GAU-8 seven barreled 30mm Gatling gun, and has an effective range of up to 2000 meters. The ammunition is made up of high velocity discarding sabot armor penetrators. With their ammunition supply, each goalkeeper can fire four bursts before needing to be reloaded. The Goalkeepers have improved software to improve their capability to engage dodging targets.

Thales Sabre ESM/ECM:
Sabre ESM is a development of Thales's UAT system and represents one of the most advanced integrated naval EW systems available worldwide. The Integrated EW suite combines a multi-band ESM system with a Digital Radio Frequency Memory (DRFM)-based phased array jammer, which is capable of tracking and jamming multiple simultaneous threats co-coordinated by a powerful techniques generator. The Sabre system will have two main Phased Array Emitters, one will be located on a small sponson just below the bridge on the left corner of the superstructure, and one located on the right corner of the hangar.

United Defense Mk 36 SRBOC Chaff mortar:
A set of mortars, capable of firing Chaff and Flares to confuse and divert incoming missiles. With minimal modification capable also capable of firing the 'Nulka', a rocket propelled decoy. It is unknown if the MK-36 system on the ADCF will have the capability to fire the 'Nulka'.


RGM-84 Harpoon SSM:
Harpoon is a sea-skimming cruise missile designed for anti-ship use, which is made by Boeing. It features an active radar seeker head, and a 488-pound high explosive penetrating warhead. It uses a turbojet for cruise flight, and a solid propellant booster for launch. Maximum range is roughly 90 km at 855 km/ph. The Block II version, which should be available around 2002, will incorporate GPS guidance and improved software to enable the use of Harpoon in a littoral environment, and as a Land-Attack missile. The Harpoon missiles aboard the ADCF are packed into disposable launch containers. Four containers make up a single launch unit, of which the ADCF has two.

OTO-Breda 127 mm/54 Compact DP gun:
This is the ship's main gun, a dual-purpose anti-air/anti-surface gun which fires rounds to a range of more than 15 kilometers in surface fire mode, and of 7+ kilometers in anti-aircraft fire mode; maximum firing rate is 45 rounds per minute; can automatically fire 66x rounds, thanks to three loading drums, each with 22x rounds; an automatic selection system allows a choice of ammunition (antiaircraft, surface target, pyrotechnics, chaff); can be also used for coastal bombardment. The first two guns are the old guns of the Canadian Iroquois class destroyers, which have been fully revised by OTOBREDA. The later ships will receive new guns. This gun has the future potential to fire the ERGM guided projectile, should this become available.


The ships will be fitted with the new STM Atlas Electronik DSQS-24C hull-mounted sonar.

NH-90 Helicopter:
This is the NFH (Nato Frigate Helicopter), as developed by NH-Industries, which in itself is a consortium formed by four companies: Augusta, Eurocopter France, Eurocopter Deutschland, and Fokker. The NH-90 is a twin-engine 6-ton helicopter with a 3-ton useful load. It has a low radar signature fuselage, a four-bladed rotor, fly-by-wire controls, and multiple redundancies for all major systems.

The NH90 will be equipped with sonobuoys or dipping sonar, tactical radar, a Magnetic Anomaly Detector (MAD), a tactical Forward Looking Infra-Red (FLIR) system, an Electronic Warfare System, different anti-submarine weapons, and a complete set of passive and active protection measures against the possible threats. It will be capable of night operations and operations in bad weather.

Mk.32 Mod 9 ASW torpedo tubes (MK-46 torpedoes):
These are fixed torpedo tubes, which will fire the 324mm ASW MK-46 Mod 5 torpedo. The MK-46 torpedo has a diameter of 324mm, a length of 2.6 meters, and a weight of 232 kg. They use active/passive acoustic homing, and are designed to attack the propellers of enemy subs. With a two-speed, reciprocating external combustion engine they can reportedly make up to 45 knots, and have a maximum range of more than 8 km.

AN/SLQ-25 NIXIE Torpedo decoy:
This is the Torpedo Countermeasures Transmitting Set AN/SLQ-25A, better known as 'Nixie'. It is a decoy, which is towed behind the ship on a Fiber Optic Tow Cable. A signal, which has been generated inside the ship, is emitted by the decoy, which 'lures' an acoustic homing torpedo away, by making it believe that the decoy is the ship it is chasing.

Theoretically the Nixie should be able to be deployed anywhere between 10 to 25 knots, but practice has shown that at speeds exceeding 15 knots reeling the decoy in or out might damage the towing cable.

additional information:

Antiaircraft warfare:
These ships were optimized for antiaircraft warfare. For this role the ships are equipped with an advanced sensor and weapons suite. The primary sensors for this role are the long range surveillance radar SMART-L and the multifunction radar APAR. The SMART-L and APAR are highly complementary, in the sense that SMART-L is a D band radar providing very long range surveillance while APAR is an I band radar providing precise target tracking, a highly capable horizon search capability, and missile guidance using the Interrupted Continuous Wave Illumination (ICWI) technique, thus allowing guidance of 32 semi-active radar homing missiles in flight simultaneously, including 16 in the terminal guidance phase. The primary antiaircraft weapons are the point defence Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile and the area defence RIM-66 Standard Missile (SM-2) Block IIIA. The Mk 41 Vertical Launch System is used to house and launch these missiles. 32 Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile and 32 Standard Missile SM-2 Block IIIA are carried.

Ballistic missile defence (BMD):
The Navy is investigating the use of these ships for the role of Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD). During tests carried out by HNLMS Tromp in the Pacific Ocean near Hawaii, experimental modifications to the SMART-L to allow even longer range were proven. A study by the Koninklijke Marine, the Netherlands Defence Material Organization, Thales Nederland, Raytheon Missile Systems, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, and Lockheed Martin has been conducted to establish the feasibility of modifying the De Zeven Provinciën class to provide it the capability to intercept ballistic missiles. In particular, the study examined the feasibility of integrating the SM-3 Block IB missile with the SMART-L and APAR radars. The study concluded that – with certain modifications to the SMART-L and APAR, as well as to the ship's Combat Management System and the missile itself – BMD with the De Zeven Provinciën class could be achieved. During a 2015 very large NATO exercise the BMD capabilities were proven, the sensor suite discovered ballistic targets, and the ship destroyed them using both its own SAM missiles, as well as using a U.S. Navy destroyer's missiles, by providing target data and missile guidance.

A contract was awarded for the radar modification in June 2012, operational tests & life firing show the performance to exceed expectations.

The De Zeven Provinciën-class ships will get the new SMART-L Mk2 radar that can detect ballistic missiles at a range of 2,000 km (1,200 mi). The Dutch minister promised also that the APAR radar will have a bigger range than 400 km (250 mi) as the Netherlands is the first country to participate as an active missile shield for NATO.

In late 2011, the Ministry of Defence announced a modernization program to upgrade the SMART-L early-warning radar so that De Zeven Provinciën-class frigates can detect and track ballistic missiles at extended range. In 2018 plans were announced to acquire the BMD-capable SM-3 surface-to-air missiles as the ships are provisioned for an extra 8-cell vertical launch module, De Zeven Provinciën-class frigates can pass on the tracking and detection data to other sea-based or land-defense BMD assets, including U.S. Navy's warships, that can deal with a ballistic missile threat. This modernization program is scheduled for completion by late 2017 for the entire De Zeven Provinciën class.

On 3 May 2018 the Dutch Secretary of Defence, Barbara Visser, informed the Dutch national parliament that the evolved sea sparrow missile (ESSM) aboard the De Zeven Provinciën-class frigates will be upgraded from block 1 to block 2. This upgrade will be completed by 2024 and will allow the frigates to deal with the growing threat of modern anti-ship missiles. ESSM Block 2 allows the four frigates to defend against missiles that have greater speed, agility and perform unexpected movements. The current Harpoon surface-to-surface missile (SSM) will also be replaced with a new SSM by 2024. Furthermore, the 127mm-cannon will be replaced with a new similar cannon. The current cannons are over 50 years old and originate from Canadian ships. The new cannon must be able to fire multiple types of ammunition, including in the future precision-guided ammunition. The project costs between € 100 million and € 250 million, and will be take place between 2018 and 2023. Lastly, the Goalkeepers will be upgraded to a new version and all ships will have two installed as originally designed, they will eventually be replaced after 2025 by a new system.

Surface and subsurface warfare:
As noted above, these ships were optimized for antiaircraft warfare, but they also have weapons on-board capable of attacking surface and submarine targets, for example: the RGM-84F Harpoon missile and Mk. 46 torpedoes. In a new defense Study published by the Dutch government in March 2018, it was stated the frigates will receive a new surface-to-surface missile to succeed the Harpoon Block 1D.

Proposals to equip some of the Zeven Provinciën-class frigates with a total of 32 BGM-109 Tomahawk cruise missiles have existed, but these were shelved in May 2005.

source: wikipedia
class + detail images
for more images go to the individual ship's page

de zeven provincien class guided missile frigate ffg royal natherlands navy f802 hnlms zr ms 08c
F 802 HNLMS De Zeven Provincien

de zeven provincien class guided missile frigate ffg royal natherlands navy f803 hnlms tromp 65c
F 803 HNLMS Tromp

de zeven provincien class guided missile frigate ffg royal natherlands navy f804 hnlms de ruyter 20c
F 804 HNLMS De Ruyter

de zeven provincien class guided missile frigate ffg royal natherlands navy f805 hnlms evertsen 16c
F 805 HNLMS Evertsen


de zeven provincien class guided missile frigate ffg lcf air defense royal natherlands navy oto breda 127/54c gun
Oto-Breda 127/54C gun (127mm, 5-inches / 54-caliber) and Mk.41 Vertical Launching System (VLS) - 40 cells

de zeven provincien class guided missile frigate ffg lcf air defense royal natherlands navy 14a mk-41 vertical launching system vls rim-66 rim-162 essm sm-2mr
Oto-Breda 127/54C gun (127mm, 5-inches / 54-caliber) and Mk.41 Vertical Launching System (VLS) - 40 cells

de zeven provincien class guided missile frigate ffg lcf air defense royal natherlands navy 20bx
mast and antenna details

de zeven provincien class guided missile frigate ffg royal natherlands navy oto breda 127/54c compact gun 10c
Oto-Breda 127/54C gun (127mm, 5-inches / 54-caliber)

de zeven provincien class guided missile frigate ffg royal natherlands navy mk.41 vertical launching system vls 41c
Mk.41 Vertical Launching System (VLS) - 5 x 8 cells

de zeven provincien class guided missile frigate ffg lcf air defense royal natherlands navy 16 mk.141 launcher rgm-84 harpoon ssm
Mk.141 launcher (2x4 cells) for RGM-84 Harpoon SSM

de zeven provincien class guided missile frigate ffg lcf air defense royal natherlands navy 35x goalkeeper ciws
Goalkeeper close-in weapon system (CIWS)

de zeven provincien class guided missile frigate ffg lcf air defense royal natherlands navy 41x mk-32 torpedo tubes
Mk.32 Mod.9 twin torpedo tubes
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