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International Navies - Germany
German Navy - Deutsche Marine
german navy deutsche marine destroyer frigate corvette   german navy deutsche marine flag jack insignia  
german navy deutsche marine frigate corvette patrol vessel submarine
Type 103 / Lütjens class Guided Missile Destroyer (1969)
(US Charles F. Adams class DDG's)
D 185 FGS Lütjens | D 186 FGS Mölders | D 187 FGS Rommel
Type 101 / Hamburg class Destroyer (1964)
D 181 FGS Hamburg | D 182 FGS Schleswig-Holstein | D 183 FGS Bayern | D 184 FGS Hessen

Type 119 / Z1 class Destroyer (1959)
(ex US Fletcher class Destroyer)
D 170 FGS Zerstörer 1 (Z 1) | D 171 FGS Zerstörer 2 (Z 2) | D 172 FGS Zerstörer 3 (Z 3)
D 178 FGS Zerstörer 4 (Z 4)
| D 179 FGS Zerstörer 5 (Z 5) | D 180 FGS Zerstörer 6 (Z 6)
Frigates & Corvettes:
Type F126 (MKS 180) class Multi Purpose Frigate
(6 units planned)

Type 125 / Baden-Württemberg class Frigate (2019)
F 222 FGS Baden-Württemberg | F 223 FGS Nordrhein-Westfalen
F 224 FGS Sachsen-Anhalt | F 225 FGS Rheinland-Pfalz

K 130 / Braunschweig class Corvette (2008)
Batch 1:
F 260 FGS Braunschweig | F 261 FGS Magdeburg | F 262 FGS Erfurt
F 263 FGS Oldenburg | F 264 FGS Ludwigshafen am Rhein

Batch 2:
F 265 FGS Köln | F 266 FGS Emden | F 267 FGS Karlsruhe
F 268 FGS Augsburg | F 269 FGS Lübeck
Type 124 / Sachsen class Guided Missile Frigate
F 219 FGS Sachsen | F 220 FGS Hamburg | F 221 FGS Hessen

Type 123 / Brandenburg class Frigate
F 215 FGS Brandenburg | F 216 FGS Schleswig-Holstein

F 217 FGS Bayern | F 218 FGS Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Type 122 / Bremen class Frigate
F 207 FGS Bremen | F 208 FGS Niedersachsen | F 209 FGS Rheinland-Pfalz | F 210 FGS Emden
F 211 FGS Köln | F 212 FGS Karlsruhe | F 213 FGS Augsburg | F 214 FGS Lübeck

Type 120 / Köln class Frigate
F 220 FGS Köln | F 221 FGS Emden | F 222 FGS Augsburg
F 223 FGS Karlsruhe | F 224 FGS Lübeck | F 225 FGS Braunschweig

Training & School Frigates (Type 138)
Scharnhorst class Frigate (1959)
(ex UK Black Swan class sloops)
F 213 FGS Scharnhorst | F 214 FGS Hipper | F 215 FGS Graf Spee | F 216 FGS Scheer

Gneisenau class Frigate (1958)
(ex UK Hunt class Type II + III Escort Destroyer)
F 212 FGS Gneisenau | F 217 FGS Raule | F 218 FGS Brommy
Type 212CD class Submarine
(73 meters / 2800 tons -
2 units on order)
S 187 FGS U37 | S 188 FGS U38

Type 212A class Submarine (2005)
Batch 1
S 181 FGS U31 | S 182 FGS U32 | S 183 FGS U33 | S 184 FGS U34
Batch 2
S 185 FGS U35 | S 186 FGS U36
Type 206 / 206A class Submarine (1973)
S 192 FGS U13 | S 193 FGS U14 | S 194 FGS U15 | S 195 FGS U16 | S 196 FGS U17 | S 197 FGS U18
S 198 FGS U19
| S 199 FGS U20 | S 170 FGS U21 | S 171 FGS U22 | S 172 FGS U23 | S 173 FGS U24
S 174 FGS U25
| S 175 FGS U26 | S 176 FGS U27 | S 177 FGS U28 | S 178 FGS U29 | S 179 FGS U30

Type 205 class Submarine (1962)
S 180 FGS U1 | S 181 FGS U2 | S 183 FGS U4 | S 184 FGS U5 | S 185 FGS U6 | S 186 FGS U7
S 187 FGS U8
| S 188 FGS U9 | S 189 FGS U10 | S 190 FGS U11 | S 191 FGS U12

Type 202 class Submarine (1965)
S 172 FGS Techel | S 173 FGS Friedrich Schürer
Type 201 class Submarine (1962)
S 180 FGS U1 | S 181 FGS U2 | S 182 FGS U3
Amphibious Ships:

Type 520 / Barbe class Landing Craft, Utility
(40 meters / 430 tons)
L 760 Flunder (1966-2001)
L 761 Karpfen
L 762 Lachs
L 763 Plötze
L 764 Rochen
(1966-92) - to Greece > Serifos
L 765 Schlei
L 766 Stör
L 767 Tümmler
L 768 Wels
L 769 Zander
L 788 Butt
L 789 Brasse
L 790 Barbe
(1966-91) - to Greece > Ios
L 791 Delphin
(1966-91) - to Greece > Folegandros
L 792 Dorsch
(1966-91) - to Greece > Sikinos
L 793 Felchen
(1966-91) - to Greece
L 794 Forelle
(1966-91) - to Greece > Irakleia
L 795 Inger
(1966-91) - to Greece
L 796 Makrele
(1966-91) - to Greece
L 797 Muräne
(1966-92) - to Greece
L 798 Renke
(1966-88) - to Greece > Naxos
L 799 Salm
(1966-89) - to Greece > Paros

ex US LSM-1 class Medium Landing Ship
(62 meters / 1000 tons)
L 750 FGS Krokodil - ex USS LSM-537 (1945/58-72)
L 751 FGS Eidechse
- ex USS LSM-491 (1945/58-73)
L 752 FGS Salamander
- ex USS LSM-553 (1945/58-69)
L 753 FGS Viper
- ex USS LSM-558 (1945/58-69)

ex US LSM(R)-501 class Landing Ship Medium (Rocket)
(62 meters / 1175 tons)
L 754 FGS Otter - ex USS LSM(R)-532 (1945/58-67)
L 755 FGS Natter
- ex USS Thames River / ex USS LSM(R)-534 (1945/58-67)
Patrol Vessels:
Gepard (Type 143A) class Fast Attack Craft (1982)
P6121 / S 71 Gepard
| P6122 / S 72 Puma | P6123 / S 73 Hermelin | P6124 / S 74 Nerz | P6125 / S 75 Zobel
P6126 / S 76 Frettchen
| P6127 / S 77 Dachs | P6128 / S 78 Ozelot | P6129 / S 79 Wiesel | P6130 / S 80 Hyäne
Albatros (Type 143) class Fast Attack Craft (1976)
P6111 / S 61 Albatros | P6112 / S 62 Falke | P6113 / S 63 Geier | P6114 / S 64 Bussard | P6115 / S 65 Sperber
P6116 / S 66 Greif
| P6117 / S 67 Kondor | P6118 / S 68 Seeadler | P6119 / S 69 Habicht | P6120 / S 70 Kormoran

Tiger (Type 148) class Fast Attack Craft (1972)
P6141 / S 41 Tiger | P6142 / S 42 Iltis | P6143 / S 43 Luchs | P6144 / S 44 Marder | P6145 / S 45 Leopard
P6146 / S 46 Fuchs
| P6147 / S 47 Jaguar | P6148 / S 48 Löwe | P6149 / S 49 Wolf | P6150 / S 50 Panther
P6151 / S 51 Häher
| P6152 / S 52 Storch | P6153 / S 53 Pelikan | P6154 / S 54 Elster | P6155 / S 55 Alk
P6156 / S 56 Dommel
| P6157 / S 57 Weihe | P6158 / S 58 Pinguin | P6159 / S 59 Reiher | P6160 / S 60 Kranich

Ferocity / Brave (Type 153) class Fast Craft (1962)
P6193 Pfeil | P6194 Strahl
Zobel (Type 142) class Fast Attack Craft (1961)
P6092 / S 31 Zobel | P6093 / S 32 Wiesel | P6094 / S 33 Dachs | P6096 / S 34 Nerz | P6098 / S 35 Gepard
P6100 / S 36 Frettchen
| P6101 / S 37 Ozelot | P6095 / S 38 Hermelin | P6097 / S 39 Puma | P6099 / S 40 Hyäne

Thetis (Type 420) class Gunboat (1961)
P6052 Thetis | P6053 Hermes | P6054 Najade | P6055 Triton | P6056 Theseus
Nasty (Type 152) class Fast Craft (1960)
P6191 Hugin | P6192 Munin
Seeadler (Type 141) class Fast Attack Craft (1957)
P6068 / S 6 Seeadler | P6069 / S 7 Albatros | P6070 / S 8 Kondor | P6071 / S 9 Greif | P6072 / S 10 Falke
P6073 / S 11 Geier
| P6074 / S 25 Bussard | P6075 / S 26 Habicht | P6076 / S 27 Sperber | P6077 / S 28 Kormoran

Jaguar (Type 140) class Fast Attack Craft (1957)
P6059 / S 1 Jaguar | P6058 / S 2 Iltis | P6062 / S 3 Wolf | P6061 / S 4 Luchs | P6060 / S 5 Leopard
P6065 / S 12 Löwe | P6066 / S 13 Fuchs | P6067 / S 14 Marder
| P6082 / S 15 Weihe | P6083 / S 16 Kranich
P6085 / S 17 Storch
| P6087 / S 18 Häher | P6088 / S 19 Elster | P6089 / S 20 Reiher | P6091 / S 21 Dommel
P6090 / S 22 Pinguin
| P6063 / S 23 Tiger | P6064 / S 24 Panther | P6084 / S 29 Alk | P6086 / S 30 Pelikan

Silbermöwe (Type 149) class Fast Craft
P6052 Silbermöwe | P6053 Sturmmöwe | P6054 Wildschwan
P6055 Eismöwe
| P6056 Raubmöwe | P6057 Seeschwalbe
Overview (units, bases, aircraft)

NHIndustries NH90 NTH Sea Lion
Westland Sea Lynx Mk.88A
Westland Sea King Mk.41
Boeing P-8A Poseidon
Lockheed P-3C Orion
Dassault-Breguet BR1150 Atlantic
Panavia PA200 Tornado IDS
Lockheed F-104G Starfighter

german navy deutsche marine seaforces online 05a
>> NOTE: German Navy vessels are given the prefix 'FGS', short for Federal German Ship (NATO-prefix). Germany does not use prefixes internally. <<
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